Software Testing & QA

Software Testing & Quality Analysis

Software testing is the quality measures conducted to give stakeholders information about the quality of the product or service. Test ways include, but aren't limited to, the process of executing a program or operation with the intent of finding software bugs. It's an important part of the entire Software Development process that the functionalities of the system are tested to the finest and assures the quality, correctness and absoluteness of the product.

Software testing, depending on the testing system employed, can be enforced at any time in the development process. Testing of a software ensures savings on time, experimental cost and functional charges for our guests. Healthcare, Electronic Health Records( EHR), Medical Recap, Electronic Medical Records, Contact Management System( CMS), Recruitment Management System( RMS), Mobile Applications, Asterisk results, Payment gateway results, Fax service integrations, USPS, UPS, and FedEx shipping marker integrations, Shopping Wagons, Deals spots, Whether integrations results, Debt Collection services, Appointment memorial results, Open Source results, Time and Attendance tracking results etc. are some of our quality testing results.

Stages of testing

Test planning
Test Analysis
Test verification & Construction
Test execution
Defect tracking and management
Quality Analysis Bug tracking
Final testing & implementation


White box testing
Black box testing
Unit Testing
Usability Testing
Agile model